Grace Stanke of West Fargo, ND will be crowned Miss Rodeo North Dakota (MRND)
2024 during coronation ceremonies scheduled for January 6th at West Fargo’s
Bonanzaville. The 21 year old has held the title of ‘Lady in Waiting’ since being selected at June’s Miss Rodeo North Dakota Pageant which was held in conjunction with the North Dakota Cowboy Hall of Fame (NDCHF) 2023 Induction Ceremonies.
The first runner-up was Claire Graner of Huff, ND with second runner-up awarded to
Jaylynn Hicks of Dunn Center, ND.
“Contestants competed in the areas of personality, appearance and horsemanship," explained MRND Board member and Miss Rodeo ND 2014, Codi Ann Miller. She added “Stanke was awarded the Horsemanship, Appearance, and Photogenic categories, along with the written test award and an educational scholarship. At the state pageant, Grace represented the Mandan Rodeo Days”.
Stanke is the 21 year old daughter of Shannan and the late Greg Stanke of West Fargo,
She recently graduated from Minnesota State Community College and Technical College with an associate degree in psychology. She is also certified in mental health first aid. Following the death of her beloved father to CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy), she found life presented her with a platform she could pursue. Stanke has set out with a passion to share her strong message to others about the connection between head injuries and mental health. It is her goal to travel across the state and nation to work with the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) and the Justin Sports Medicine Team to advocate for concussion awareness and the life altering after effects.
Stanke will travel the region during 2024 promoting the sport of rodeo and the western
heritage in her Heartland Chevrolet truck courtesy of Wilhelm Chevrolet in Jamestown,
and will compete for Miss Rodeo America in December 2024. Her current duties involve
promoting and assisting with rodeos and other events throughout North Dakota and will
serve as an ambassador at numerous rodeos throughout the country.
The Miss Rodeo North Dakota Organization is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. For
more information or ways to support, please visit www.missrodeond.org